Blog Posts

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Silent Film Cinematography

Because we (Christian Filmmakers, Movie Makers and Christian Movie lovers) are all currently taking a 'Pause' because of the Coronavirus saga (it's March 2020), and many of us have more time in our hands than ever before :)   I have included here, a short Youtube Documentary Film about The History of Silent Film and It's Cinematography!  (you will find the link below this blog post).  

I really love this documentary and I know you will love it too (specially if you truly have a Passion for Motion Pictures, of course).  If possible, try watching it on a big screen TV through Cable TV (I have Comcast which gives me direct access to youtube, but if you don't have cable, you could connect your Laptop or Computer via HDMI cable (and if your laptop doesn't have HDMI OUT, you may need an adapter/converter to do so) just get it from Best Buy or some other similar Electronic store.   

This is a great time to learn everything there is to learn about FilmMaking and specially The History of Silent Films, because in everything we see, research and watch we always tend to learn something we didn't know before, even if it's just one thing, it will all be worth it!    In fact, this is the process of how we learn and how our mind stores and uses information... so that one day, when we least expect it, perhaps while we are filming our next Christian Movie and we are standing on a movie set, perhaps thinking on how we should light the set or shoot a certain scene...  and at that very moment... this one thing you learned years ago, will come to mind and give you that specific edge you need to make the scene work.    

My greatest film making ideas have come to me while in the middle of filming one of my Christian movies.   In that very moment, when I had no idea what to do or how to do something (sometimes because of the pressure of being live on the set), the... when I least expect it, that one filmmaking trick I learned years ago... pops into my head.    As if somebody was watching me from above (and some is watching over us... of course:)   At that very moment, is as if God knows exactly when to bring that one Idea that we learned years ago... again, at the very moment when we (behaps had totally forgotten about it), but suddenly God brings it to our mind as a simple thought, but it becomes clear as day.   And the thought, usually starts as a barely perceptible thought that if we are not paying attention and we are not seeking for it... we may miss it.  This is why Prayer, and seeking God before, during and after each filming is SUPER important.  

For me, being in touch with The Kingdom of God throughout the making of my God Films is the KEY to my success!, and to me, success is NOT making a Million Dollars with a movie, to me success is as simple as Starting and Finishing God's Kingdom Message in a movie format.   A movie that is ready to be shown online or on theaters anywhere and everywhere possible (whether it makes money or not) that's God's domain.   As a Christian Filmmaker my job is to help Plant the Seed in Good Soil, and then Water It, but it's GOD who makes it grow!    In other words, my job as a Christian filmmaker is to make the movie happen with God's help.   And I always make sure that God is with me in every movie I make.  In fact, I have often told God, the following;

 "Lord, if you are NOT with me on this film, I'm out!"  "I rather never make another film... unless, you show me You are ALL IN with me."  "And Lord, if this is NOT the film I should make, please, show me now!"

I don't know about you, but that's how I talk to God, He's my best friend and He knows it :) 

The truth is that I never stop learning, it doesn't matter that I have over 30 years of movie making experience, that means nothing today.  Filmmaking has changed a lot, as you will soon see on the documentary below!  But I love learning and I keep learning everything I can about movie making, cinematography and movie magic all the time, because you just never know when you get to use that one thing (trick) you read about on a film book, you saw in a movie or in a youtube video and then use such new or old technique in one of The Lord's movie.    Also, keep in mind, that what the world calls old or out of style, for God there is no such thing... because for God All Things are New and also everything is Eternal.

Again, the secret of becoming a Top Professional filmmaker is to be alway learning as much as possible about the art, the history; including learning about every new equipment that just came out in the market, just last week or the week before.  Staying on top of the latest Digital video production gear in the industry always keeps us ahead of the curve, and these knowledge will always help us become a better Movie Maker for The Kingdom of God.

I have personally selected this Silent Film Cinematography documentary for you to watch, as a Film Class to help you understand the true power of Motion Picture Film, as well as Today's Digital Cinematography! 

Enjoy the following Documentary film: 

The History of Silent Film Cinematography

We will be showing more Key Educational Documentary Films such as this one for the sake of Learning everything there is to know about Motion Pictures and It's History.

Friday, February 21, 2020


Today more than ever before...

Smartphone Videos are getting BETTER in Quality!  Not Perfect or Superv Quality for Theatrical Movie making... but phones like the iPhone 11 and others coming soon... are truly taking Cell Phone Video Quality to a whole new level.  Enough, to seriously start thinking about making movies with it.   So much so, that I've began to use them in some of my own productions.

Filming with an iPhone such as the iPhone 11 or newer models or brands will help you work faster, easier and the most important part of it all.... work without a crew!   This means, finally being able to produce even Lower-Budget movies.  And I love that! and will be teaching everything there is to know about how to shoot movies with your iPhone... as a One Man (or Lady) Band.  It can be done!

Thanks to today's Cell Phone quality we are able to create amazing Cinematography and good (acceptable) quality movies which will be GREAT for Churches and for the Web/Youtube (Social Media) revolution market with a really good online quality that most anyone will love and enjoy!

Besides, Never get stuck with "Quality", too many filmmakers get stuck with trying to have the Best Camera or The Best Quality... forget that!  Like I said, quality is only part of the picture, but it's not all of it.   How many GREAT QUALITY films have you looked at and they were really bad movies.  There are thousands of them, perhaps even millions of bad films out there, and a big chunk made by Hollywood.   The secret is knowing The Art of Cinematography, that's what most BAD MOVIES lack.   Cinematography (The art of lighting with Lights and Shadows and knowing how to perfectly frame any shot) is the Key to having a Great Interesting image on ANY HD or 4K camera.   Everything else is just hype!  

Camera companies make a living on hype and fake news!  Trust me, I've been shooting both Film and Video since the 1980's.  Back them, cameras would take 10 years to change model... Today, it's every 6 month, you know why?  Because it's how they make more money.    So again, The 'Video Image' is only one part of Cinematography, having a 'Great Story' is KEY!   But even then, having a Great story is NOT even enough, you also need... Great Actors in your movie.   In fact, it doesn't matter what camera you use, if you have a Great Story, Great Actors and Good descent sound... any movie will work amazingly well in most any market!... including the Theatrical market, specially if you make sure you maintain Great Cinematography throughout your entire movie.

I have been using my iPhone 11 to shoot behind the scenes footage and sometimes, shooting parts of a Video Spot as a 2nd camera...  so, little by little I'm already incorporating Cell Phone videos in my professional work and the Look and Feel is amazing.   And today, I'm also looking into making a short film using my iPhone 11, because when I do... I'm sure to stay shooting Feature Length movies with smart phones from then on.  


From: Learn Online Video | Youtube

Here is a quick 10 Fun and Cool Ways to shoot great amazing Images using a Smartphone and a Gimbal', keep in mind that using a 'Gimbal' with your Smartphone is a Must-Have so start looking into it.
In this (well produced) Youtube Video you will learn more on HOW and WHY You should start making short films and even a feature movies using a Smartphone and a Gimbal!   

 Watch this youtube link (Enjoy):

And we are here to help you.   If you have any questions on Christian Movie Making, please do not hesitate to contact me Norton Rodriguez through our website: or my facebook page!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Finding the right story for your Christian movie... is Key!

You may find stories in everyday life; a story you saw on the news or online, or create a movie based on someone's testimony.    Another good idea would be turning your favorite Bible verse or Gospel tract story into a cool amazing movie.

Also, for your first movie you need to tackle a simple story with a couple of main actors and a few extras.  Keeping it simple sometimes is better, specially for your first Christian movie.  Learning filmmaking is a step by step process and starting with a smaller project to get your feet wet is the smart way to go.

There have been many films produced based on only one character, one actor that the camera follows around throughout the whole movie.  All these ideas are a good place to start.   Specially when you don't have a budget for your Christian  movie, but having a lack of budget shouldn't stop you either.   Trust in God at all times, because if He gave you the Dream and the Desire to make a movie for Him... know that God is already on your side.

Another idea for a story could be found in your own life's story!  Did you know that we are God's films in His hands.   God is a filmmaker too, in fact, He is also The Writer, Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor and everything else you will ever do.  He really is.   God has helped me in every area of Christian filmmaking every time I've needed Him the most.   When things fail or break down like sometimes happens... It's always great to know that God is always there, looking over our shoulders waiting to offer His helping hand.    But we do need to do our part, we must seek Him, Pray and Ask whatever we need and you too will see His Mighty Hand move on your behalf like He always has for me.  Always make sure to seek Him first, in everything you do and as you do, you will see that God will guide you and will bring the right people to you as you continue to walk with God and seek Him.

The Good News is that God himself tells us all through the Bible that we are not to worry or be afraid of anything, because with God All Things Are Possible! And that's 110% true.    God is always encouraging us to take action and to walk by faith, trusting Him all the way.   Because as we do (as Christian Filmmakers) we will be able make our dreams come true.... but all in His perfect Time and Season.

Never forget that God is The Dream Maker, He encourages us to follow our dreams... but it's also interesting to know that God is also the Dream giver and provider and He also gives us all the desires of our hearts.    In other words, if you have a desire for making films for God, you can rest assured that God has planted that desire in you as a seed of faith.   Rejoice! You are part of a small breed of 'Creative Christians' who are called by The Lord, so that you may conquer The Entertainment Industry and Multimedia for His Kingdom and Glory!

And we are here to help you.   If you have any questions on Christian Movie Making, please do not hesitate to contact me Norton Rodriguez through our website: or my facebook page!

Friday, January 10, 2020


Thank you for visiting my Blog on How To Make Christian Movies!   

I'm going to be sharing a lot of Great information on these blogs, including things about the Lord you may have never heard of concerning His Word and Vision for Christian Movie Makers...  including How to Finance, Write, Shoot, Edit and Self-Distribute Simple & Effective Christian movies all by following The Lord's Perfect Kingdom Order.  

But before I talk about the Order of how God's Financing principles work, I must talk about How His perfect 'Order' and 'Power' works concerning the making of Christian movies.   Because they both go hand in hand when creating and producing any project for The Lord.

First, we must understand that God is a God of order.   The way He spoke everything we see today into existence was all done through the process of a Perfect and Divine Order and Power.    And God used them both in Genesis, Creating The Universe, The World and everything in it, all done in Perfect and complete order and all through the process of Planning and The Power of His Word. 

The reason we need to understand how God works and how He operates, is because as sons and daughters of the most High God The Lord expects us to be like Him (since we are created in His own Image and Likeness), why would we even try to do things in any other way? or worst... do things without Him.  Yet, Christians all over the world, are running with ideas (perhaps some our God-given-ideas while others may not be).   As Christian filmmakers we need to be very careful in selecting our movie ideas for God.   And once we start working on God's ideas or projects, we need to make sure we finished the job, because God himself finishes everything he starts.

Hebrews 12:2 

'Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...'

God's perfect order is a physical Law found in both The Heavens and The Earth, God's order works just as the physical law of Gravity also works.   If on the earth, everything that goes up must come down... then God's physical order when followed on the earth... it will always produce successful results.  Because God's ways are True and all based on Truth.  

We can clearly see God's order in how The Lord instructed the disciples of Jesus Christ the order to promote and spread the Gospel Message around the World.  

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Acts 1:8

Notice how The Lord had a perfect order as to how The Gospel of Jesus Christ was to be proclaimed... first in Jerusalem, then Judea (Israel), then Samaria (another city)... and then... to the rest of the world.   

This is important to know as a Christian filmmakers, because this is the same basic concept we should use to make God's films known around the world.   We should first start with a local Premiere of our films in our City, then in our State or Country, and the... prepare ourselves to use all those marketing presentation experiences to take sour Christian movies to the rest of world.   It takes order in the preplaning as well as in the process of presenting our films to the world.   Even with the Internet today, we should still follow such basic order... and of course, always using Internet marketing at every level of presentations.   But we should always start small, taking baby steps as to get our feet wet, then... as your film audience grows, you also grow your market strategies.

Another interesting part of the same above scripture above that most people don't pay much attention to, but it's just as important... is where God says;
"You Will Receive Power".  So my question to you is... do you have The Power it takes to make movies for God?  Hollywood uses their own power to make movies... 'Fame and Fortune'.   Money is Hollywood's driving force.   But that's NOT the case with us Christian movie makers, God is our one and only Source and Power... and Our True Provider!  

Do you know How to get God's power in you?  

Do you know where to find such power?  And do you fully understand why do you need God's Holy Power?   My other question to you is... was God's Gospel Message Successfully Distributed around the world?  Yes it was.  And the reason for it, was because those who carried the Message of the Gospel (The Disciples of Jesus Christ) where all given The POWER of The Holy Spirit so they could start and finish the work God had called them to do... and do it Successfully against all the odds!  Well, I'm here to tell you that to make Christian movies you too need to have that same power working in you to make movies for God.   You know why, because Christian movies all basic carriers of the same powerful Gospel Message in them.

God Is Our Provider

Have you ever tried to make a movie or do any big project for God where things didn't work out or didn't go smooth, or the movie's budget never showed up? Do you think if you had The POWER of The Holy Spirit within you (and you do if you are a Christian) and you work in Perfect Order with God's Kingdom which is what The Holy Spirit does, he makes sure every Good Work is done in Accordance to God's Word and God's Perfect Kingdom Order.   And the reason this is so important, is because demons also know of this perfect order.  In fact, that's why they were cast down from The kingdom of God into to the earth because they too tried to create chaos in God's Kingdom order.  

Devils and Demons also know God's perfect order and system and they too know they must obey and abide by God's Eternal Laws.   But here is the issue, demons are also watching over mankind to make sure people are NOT following God's perfect laws and order, because if they are not, Demons know sins separates makind from their Creator leaving them powerless and doors are left open, and that allows the enemy to come in and disrupt (legally) those who break God's Kingdom Laws and Order.  This is why we must know how the enemy works and how they operate and why they do what they do?, so that we may stay obedient to God's Kingdom Order as we work on God's Kingdom projects, having total Authority, Dominion and Power over the works of darkness. 

And through this Blog, I will help you on how to make quick, simple and effective Christian movies, @ low-cost but with 4K Quality!   But more importantly, how to make them... through The Order of God's most powerful and amazing system thought of and Created before the Foundation of the World and even The Whole Universe.  God does have a Perfect Operating Kingdom System and Plan and Christian movie makers need to know this.

When we follow God's Kingdom system (not Hollywood's), things change and become new, and positive things begin to happen because everything works in total and complete Harmony with The Kingdom of God.  It's simple, and not complicated, we just need to be obedient and do things through His Perfect Order.


I will also show you How to Make Money as a Christian Movie Maker (Yes!), there is nothing wrong with making money as long as you do things in a legal and legit manner, Not following principals from a fallen systems like the Hollywood system... but doing things God's way!   Listen, I promised you I will not sugarcoat things.  But there is a very fine line, (really, it's not fine at all) there is just one Big Thick line.... You are either walking with God or you are not.  And to walk with God means to be obedient to His Word and Process. That's it.  And keep in mind that God is the one who calls the shots, not us.   God is the True, Writer, Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, Marketing Expert, Distributor and Only GOD is Your Provider (meaning HE IS YOUR TRUE INVESTOR), and Interesting enough, God wants you to SEEK HIM and TREAT HIM as such.    Yet, Christian filmmakers are going all over the place and everywhere else looking for help or answers, when God has all the Answers!  

And for years, Christian filmmakers (including myself) wondered why the world system seemed not to be working for us (the Children of God), right?  Then, I learned from God's Word... that God's vision for each and every Christian filmmaker is to be Successful and to Prosper; having an abundance of wealth so that Christian Filmmakers (not investors or bankers or hollywood) may own and control God's Movies, Properties and All His Entertainment Content.   Don't believe me?, read The Blessings found on: Deuteronomy 28.

BTW, God never intended for us to be broke, or worst... He never expect us to borrow money to make God's films.  In fact, did you know that God is totally against borrowing money or using other people's money... unless, they give you the money Free and Clear and Without Strings Attached?  Yet, Hollywood is all about using other people's and company's money, that's their operating system... and Christian filmmakers for years have been led to believe that they too can borrow money or find investors to lend them the money for... God's films. Really?   But did we ever check with God to see if borrowing money from people was right or wrong?  Of course not.  I didn't care either, money was a good thing, right!  So I made a couple of our first two (2) Christian movies with borrowed money, and guess what?  I'm still paying for some of that movie debt and I know some of you are too.   

But last year, Thank God!  I began to do many financial changes according to God's Kingdom and Order, and by the end of January 2020, I finish paying all my bank loans and credit card debts from the two films I produced years ago. Amen!  And if you are wondering how I did it, I just did what God says we should do.  Stop borrowing, and see God as Your Provider! and and start paying off all your current debts.  That's it.  I don't own any new cars anymore, I drive Paid-Off used Van and I owe no car loans.  Did you know that if you are part of a Millionaire's Club (like I'm part of... because I shoot their videos :)  They all say the same thing, "If you want to be a millionaire work on Making Money and Do Not Borrow Money!"   Basically when we borrow money (without an effective secure and guaranteed way to make money) we actually become more poor.  Which is exactly what the Bible says! The Secret is NOT TO BORROW MONEY, EVER!!!  That means, NO INVESTORS!!!    Filmmakers need to learn to FINANCE their own films with God's help.  I personally have finance two of our Five (5) Christian movies.   Yes, God will help you!... but you need to do things right, according to His Word and then... You need to have patience.  That's why we need to be wise and make simple, easier to do and not too expensive Christian movies.   At this time, anything over 5K to 10K is crazy... unless you have a million dollars in the bank... or you love throwing money away.  At this point, I wouldn't make a Christian movie for more than 5K.   Why, first, because I will be financing it and second, because that's all I can afford for now.   But again, soon, as our other businesses prosper, then we may get to make films for $10k.   But the beauty of this, is that We will own 100% of God's movie.  And since we make lower-cost movies, it is almost a guaranteed to make our money back.   

Again, we are not about (or believe) Making Money with Christian movies, instead, we Believe Christian Movies are a Ministry, not a Money Making Scheme!   We see Christian movies as our Giving to the Lord!  That's why there are so many Christian filmmakers so confused... they think we should make Christian films just like Hollywood makes them.  That's a huge error and a big mistake.  But that's just me.

The Truth is that... Borrowing money, my brothers and sisters is the foundation of working outside of God's Word and Protection, and it equals walking in Disobedience because Our God truly Declares that He is Our One and Only Provider! And no one else. 

Our Lord's Kingdom System is very simple, God basically wants us to seek Him, read His Written Word, Study it, Learn from It so that we may become Doers of His Word.   But what do Christians do? 

They read the Word at home, or hear the Word at church, then they go out and do things their way.  Hey, we've all done it!, but from now on, we need to understand That God's Word is The final Word and He expects us to follow it!  No more games, no more lies, no more indifference about His Word... unless you like to be broke and remain broke! or worst...  have a ton of issues (you can't resolve).   Not me. I have learned my lesson, I have repented before the Lord, may times.  But I too have decided to follow Him totally and completely based on His Word.  

Here are some quick scriptures (and trust me, there are plenty more that I will be showing you) all Written in God's Word over 6000 years ago that proves God's point of view in the matter or Lending and Borrowing:

God tells us these Truths:

1. Owe no man anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law (Romans 13:8, NKJ).

2. "For the LORD your God will bless you as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. (Deuteronomy 15:6)


"The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower becomes the lender's slave. (Proverbs 22:7)

And there are a ton of many more things you need to know... if interested, just make sure to Join My Blog by adding your Email so that you may receive Movie Making posts direct to your Email. 

God Loves You! and Make Movies 4Him!
And we are here to help you.  If you have any questions on Christian Movie Making, please do not hesitate to contact me Norton Rodriguez through our website: or my facebook page!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020



I know, I know... many of you, would like to just jump into How to Create a Christian Movie... and the steps it takes and so on.. and trust me, we'll get there.   But before we do, keep in mind, that you can't become a successful Christian filmmaker without first, knowing The Power of God that lives in you.   Please, never try making a movie without Him.
Now, you will find that at times, I post related posts about God and Understanding His Power.   Because if you just jump into making a Christian film... you may be missing the greatest lesson...  

Specially knowing that... without God we can't do anything.   So, it is my duty, as a teacher of Christian Movie Making (which is the same as saying Making Movies for God), to in the process of teaching you the basics of movie making, also show you The Power of God and how to Communicate with Him in the process of Making Christian Movies.   Making a movie is really the icing on the cake, that's the easy part, but what's inside of the cake, the foundation and meat of it is the most important part!  And it's the same with God, you must know God deeply and have God oversee and help you every step of the way.  Why? Because making Christian movies is not about making the movies you want to make, but more about what movies God wants you to make.

You see, God always calls the shots!    God is the True Director, Producer, Filmmaker, Editor, Marketing Dept and Distributor.   God is all that + more.   This is why, becoming a Christian movie maker... is more than just making Christian movies.   This is exactly why many Christian movies fail or never get made.   You need to know everything about His Power and His Love and what He has done for YOU (Creatively speaking), before... you even type the first Word on a screenplay.
That said, please allow me to post these very relevant short Posts... that every Christian Producer, Director and Filmmakers based on things they need to know about God and His Power.  Yes, even before making you first Christian Movie.  And don't worry!  I will be posting soon, more steps on how to make christian movies; from How and Where to get the Ideas, to How To Make Them, to Distribution and beyond!... but ALL done with God's help and Direction. 

Again, allow me to show you God's amazing power through Technology and Computers:


The world's most powerful super-computer today is called: Summit, built by IBM for the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. It occupies the equivalent of two basketball courts and achieves an impressive 148.6 petaflops thanks to its 2.41 million cores and it uses 4,000 gallons of water a minute around a circulatory system to cool its 37,000 processors.
Oak Ridge says it can deliver a peak performance of 200 quadrillion 'calculations' per second (that’s 200 followed by 15 zeros), that’s about 'a million times faster' than a typical laptop, and nearly twice the peak performance of China’s top-ranking Sunway TaihuLight (China's fastest computer).
Although mankind may be able to build the fastest computers and amazing robots, when we compare them to the human brain, sure they may be able to calculate mathematical problems a lot faster (and they can) and they may do some of the work that humans do faster and more effectively (and they can), yet even the fastest computers or robots in the world will never be able experience love, joy, happiness, have it's own thoughts, dreams, visions, have passion or compassion, be creative or have the ability to communicate with God our creator in a 'freewill' matter.

The human brain is one of the most powerful and amazing organs The Lord gave us in Creation. No computer in the world has the ability to think on its own; or invent and create without the help of a human mind thinking, creating and designing behind it. Sure even cars today are able to drive themselves... but not without first, having a human pre-program it in such a way, as to 'obey the laws of God', laws like (do not kill) while driving and using a vehicle. The laws of Physics (are all God's created Laws) like the law of gravity, law of space, law of distance, expansion and direction)... without this technical inputs written or spoken into a software system, the most powerful computers or robots in the world will not be able to function... actually they would be useless. Not the case of a human mind, which was Created and is Supervised by a Living God every second and hour of each day. In fact, The Whole Kingdom of God is watching over us. We are not alone.
We thank God and Give Him all The Glory and Honor for given us The most Power mind in the universe which reconfirms that we were Created in God's own Image and Likeness... that is just amazing! And today in 2020, because of the invention of powerful computers and robots... we are now able to see that nothing created by mankind will ever be greater than The Human Mind, It's Power and Ability to do The Impossible.
These new amazing computers and robots as amazing as they are... has allowed us to fully understand the Bigness and Greatness of our God, specially when we compare everything mankind has been able to accomplish so far... with the Power and Unlimited ability to Create with our human mind.
It's great to know... that our mind can truly do the impossible without limits! which does also reveal in a Mighty Way that God is Real, He is Alive and Well.
Never doubt it.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

TAKE #5 - A Working God

A working God

And to prove the point that God is also calling us to work hard for His Dream and Visions...  God shows us in His Word that HE too is a working God.  If you search the Bible for the word "work" you will soon come across these following scriptures:

Genesis 2:2 - And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 

John 5:17 - But Jesus answered them, "My Father is working still, and I am working." 

This scripture clearly reveals to us that God is a working God.   

God shows us that before anybody else worked, He worked... and He made things happen.   And that my friends, is what we (and the church) have missed in the past.   When God wants something done, he is willing to work it SIX days a week (resting on the seventh).    

So, how can we succeed?  

1) .  God wants us to walk by faith in our times of lack and to seek him 24/7 against all the odds, even when we don't see things happening in the physical realm,

2).  Work hard for the vision that God has given you 24/6 and make things happen daily, meaning daily do something towards your goal,

3).  Be laser-focused, persevere, do not look back, and never give up!  Move forward towards God's vision against all the odds by putting God first, and you will see that all the obstacles will eventually crumble before your very eyes and before His presence.  

4.)   Do everything with Great Passion and Joy... but above all... be pro-active and take action! Do Not wait on things to happen, do pray, seek God first, and move full speed ahead as He leads you.

If you just do the above four (4) suggested things on a daily basis, I assure you that God will bless your work and your dreams beyond your wildest dreams.  

TAKE #4 - The Confirmation of our Calling!


The Confirmation of our Calling!

The Creative Seed of God

Furthermore, we need to also know and understand... that everything in life and in the Kingdom of God starts with a seed and God is the seed Creator and Provider.   Before we are born (before the foundation of the world) God planted a seed in our hearts with the desire of the things we would like to be, and that desire in us begins to grow through the years.  

Knowing that God is a good God, when we like something that it's good in the eyes of God, then we can rest assured that God planted that desire in our hearts.  So if you feel a desire in your heart about making movies for God....guess who planted it there?  We do not create or choose our own Godly desires, God does.  Why do you think there are people who like to be doctors, police officers, fire fighters or pilots....  it's because these individuals had a desire (sometimes) from childhood to be doctors, police officers, or movie makers, etc.

So why does God plants the desire in our hearts (again, many times from childhood and other times he changes our course in life)?  The answer is simple:

"So we may become exactly that which He has created us to be."

In other words, we are not an accident.   We were created in perfection and for a perfect purpose.   Meaning you have been perfectly designed and created for such a time as this.   

 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10

Saturday, December 28, 2019

TAKE #3 - The Calling

TAKE #3 


The Calling

The first thing you need to understand is that Christian Movie Making is first and foremost a ministry and not a money making scheme.   As a Christian movie maker, you make movies for God not for yourself, that means that God becomes your audience of one and what The Lord does with it is all up to Him.   God is always the Writer, Producer, Director, Editor and Distributor behind all our movies whether they make money or not.   Sure we have to do our part by first, Making the film, then Editing it and later when complete Market the movie everywhere possible.   But the end game should never be to make money, the Main reason why Christian filmmakers make movies is for the Spreading The Good News of The Gospel in New Creative ways.  And yes, you can be as Creative as you like in making a Christian movie as long as you stay within the fine line of God's True Word.    And if a Christian movie makes Money, that's just the icing on the cake Blessing. 

Of course, if a Christian movie makes money, then the Christian movie maker will have the funds to making the next films and so on.   But, keep in mind, that's not always the case, some movies no matter what we do and how much we pray... could make or not many money.  And again, that's fine, since our goal should be to Spread the Gospel through motion picture films around the world.

In other words, God always calls the shots and we are His Mouth, Hands and Feet.  So if you are doing it for the money, I will be honest with you, again, although money can be made making low-budget and high budget Christian movies, making money should never be our main goal or motivation.  The ministry behind Christian Movie Making is about Touching Lives and Changing lives while saving the lost, and to be honest, no movie can ever do that... unless, it has the Gospel message in it (meaning The Creative Word of God) and that should be our top priority and goal behind Christian Movie Making.  



Why a Short Film? 

Because a short film can be used as a very effective stepping stones to producing full length feature films.  Once you have tested yourself on a lower and easier level (a short film could have a length of only 5 to 10 minutes), while a feature film is an 80 to 90 Minute movie with at least 75 to 90 scenes, and it's about the same for a script (screenplay) pages.

Producing a short film is a great way to start.    A short movie gives you the opportunity to learn and practice your movie-making-skills while not having the pressure that comes with producing a full length movie.   The making of a short film (from writing the short script to filming it and editing it) teaches you the basics of film making and it gets you ready for becoming a Christian producer and director.   

Many big time filmmakers in Hollywood started their careers making short-films.  Steven Spielberg used his "silent" 16mm short film Amblim (1967) (it was silent because he didn't have the money for a sound person) to get his big break in Hollywood and George Lucas USC thesis film THX 1138 (1971), perked the interest of Warner Brothers and was later made into a feature, which later helped him write, produce and direct the first Star Wars (1977)... and the rest is history.    Moving making has always been a very organized and creative step-by-step process, meaning you need to learn to walk before you may run with your first movie.   

And we are here to help you.   If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through our website:



So where should we start?
One of the Best ways to find great movie ideas is by finding stories from our own personal life experiences.   Just as top Comedians often times get their break into comedy by using their own personal life experiences or by finding funny stories that has happened to family members, friends and co-workers.  In the same manner, Christian filmmakers may find great Creative dramatic stories within their own life experiences or the experiences of others.  There are great golden nuggets in anyones life story and experiences and we should study them first, specially if we don't have a movie idea in mind.

Getting ideas from the Bible itself is another great alternative.  The Great director of the 1920's - 1950's  Cecil B. DeMille once said "The Bible is full of Movie Ideas".   Hundreds of movies have been made from just one of Jesus's Parables.   Taking a Bible story like the story of David and Golliath and turning it into a modern times movie is a great idea and has been done many times by filmmakers everywhere.    But just because hundreds of films have been made about a Bible Story, Verse or Jesus Parable, it doesn't mean that it can't be done.   Just think for a moment or do a search on Movies made about Jesus Christ.   There has been hundreds of movies made about Jesus starting since the silent film era.   And when the Passion of The Christ came out, we all thought, that's it.  There will never be another great movie about Jesus, yet, since then... it's been totally the opposite, there has been hundreds of movies about Jesus made since The Passion of The Christ.  Only because there are a million ways to make a movie, each filmmaker and producer may use different techniques, different locations, different actors and so on... making every film about Jesus very different and at times... very interesting to watch.    

Another great source for Great ideas is Our Lord, yes God.  God is the source of ALL Creation, God is a Mighty and Creative God.  In fact, everything we see, hear, feel, touch, taste and sense... has been created by God.   But even more interesting, God has even Created every Good Thought or Idea that comes to our minds.  Think about it, the only reason a Thought or an Idea comes to mind, is because that Idea or Thought most be real and tangible somewhere, right? In other words, why would an idea or thought come to mind in the first place if it doesn't exist?       We know this because God has a Kingdom and everything we see on earth came from God and His Kingdom.  So it makes sense that every Good thought comes from God and so... every good thing that has been created before the Foundation of The World.   But at the same time, every evil thought comes from the god of darkness.   But Jesus Christ overcame evil with Good... in fact He overcame it with Love.   

If none of the above works for you, then simply make it a habit to search the web for good stories.  It used to be that we would search and read Newspapers and Magazines, but today... it's best to search the Web for good movie story ideas.
There are millions of people being Interviewed for the Web by giving their testimonies using their smartphone, webcams or video cameras.  If you search the Web hard enough or youtube you will find amazing testimonies.   Plus millions of Website owners often times post their personal testimony on their website as well.   Become a great researcher of Great Movie Stories and as you do... you will find them.