Blog Posts

Saturday, December 28, 2019

TAKE #3 - The Calling

TAKE #3 


The Calling

The first thing you need to understand is that Christian Movie Making is first and foremost a ministry and not a money making scheme.   As a Christian movie maker, you make movies for God not for yourself, that means that God becomes your audience of one and what The Lord does with it is all up to Him.   God is always the Writer, Producer, Director, Editor and Distributor behind all our movies whether they make money or not.   Sure we have to do our part by first, Making the film, then Editing it and later when complete Market the movie everywhere possible.   But the end game should never be to make money, the Main reason why Christian filmmakers make movies is for the Spreading The Good News of The Gospel in New Creative ways.  And yes, you can be as Creative as you like in making a Christian movie as long as you stay within the fine line of God's True Word.    And if a Christian movie makes Money, that's just the icing on the cake Blessing. 

Of course, if a Christian movie makes money, then the Christian movie maker will have the funds to making the next films and so on.   But, keep in mind, that's not always the case, some movies no matter what we do and how much we pray... could make or not many money.  And again, that's fine, since our goal should be to Spread the Gospel through motion picture films around the world.

In other words, God always calls the shots and we are His Mouth, Hands and Feet.  So if you are doing it for the money, I will be honest with you, again, although money can be made making low-budget and high budget Christian movies, making money should never be our main goal or motivation.  The ministry behind Christian Movie Making is about Touching Lives and Changing lives while saving the lost, and to be honest, no movie can ever do that... unless, it has the Gospel message in it (meaning The Creative Word of God) and that should be our top priority and goal behind Christian Movie Making.  

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