Blog Posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Finding the right story for your Christian movie... is Key!

You may find stories in everyday life; a story you saw on the news or online, or create a movie based on someone's testimony.    Another good idea would be turning your favorite Bible verse or Gospel tract story into a cool amazing movie.

Also, for your first movie you need to tackle a simple story with a couple of main actors and a few extras.  Keeping it simple sometimes is better, specially for your first Christian movie.  Learning filmmaking is a step by step process and starting with a smaller project to get your feet wet is the smart way to go.

There have been many films produced based on only one character, one actor that the camera follows around throughout the whole movie.  All these ideas are a good place to start.   Specially when you don't have a budget for your Christian  movie, but having a lack of budget shouldn't stop you either.   Trust in God at all times, because if He gave you the Dream and the Desire to make a movie for Him... know that God is already on your side.

Another idea for a story could be found in your own life's story!  Did you know that we are God's films in His hands.   God is a filmmaker too, in fact, He is also The Writer, Producer, Director, Cinematographer, Editor and everything else you will ever do.  He really is.   God has helped me in every area of Christian filmmaking every time I've needed Him the most.   When things fail or break down like sometimes happens... It's always great to know that God is always there, looking over our shoulders waiting to offer His helping hand.    But we do need to do our part, we must seek Him, Pray and Ask whatever we need and you too will see His Mighty Hand move on your behalf like He always has for me.  Always make sure to seek Him first, in everything you do and as you do, you will see that God will guide you and will bring the right people to you as you continue to walk with God and seek Him.

The Good News is that God himself tells us all through the Bible that we are not to worry or be afraid of anything, because with God All Things Are Possible! And that's 110% true.    God is always encouraging us to take action and to walk by faith, trusting Him all the way.   Because as we do (as Christian Filmmakers) we will be able make our dreams come true.... but all in His perfect Time and Season.

Never forget that God is The Dream Maker, He encourages us to follow our dreams... but it's also interesting to know that God is also the Dream giver and provider and He also gives us all the desires of our hearts.    In other words, if you have a desire for making films for God, you can rest assured that God has planted that desire in you as a seed of faith.   Rejoice! You are part of a small breed of 'Creative Christians' who are called by The Lord, so that you may conquer The Entertainment Industry and Multimedia for His Kingdom and Glory!

And we are here to help you.   If you have any questions on Christian Movie Making, please do not hesitate to contact me Norton Rodriguez through our website: or my facebook page!

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