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Showing posts with label find. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2020


Silent Film Cinematography

Because we (Christian Filmmakers, Movie Makers and Christian Movie lovers) are all currently taking a 'Pause' because of the Coronavirus saga (it's March 2020), and many of us have more time in our hands than ever before :)   I have included here, a short Youtube Documentary Film about The History of Silent Film and It's Cinematography!  (you will find the link below this blog post).  

I really love this documentary and I know you will love it too (specially if you truly have a Passion for Motion Pictures, of course).  If possible, try watching it on a big screen TV through Cable TV (I have Comcast which gives me direct access to youtube, but if you don't have cable, you could connect your Laptop or Computer via HDMI cable (and if your laptop doesn't have HDMI OUT, you may need an adapter/converter to do so) just get it from Best Buy or some other similar Electronic store.   

This is a great time to learn everything there is to learn about FilmMaking and specially The History of Silent Films, because in everything we see, research and watch we always tend to learn something we didn't know before, even if it's just one thing, it will all be worth it!    In fact, this is the process of how we learn and how our mind stores and uses information... so that one day, when we least expect it, perhaps while we are filming our next Christian Movie and we are standing on a movie set, perhaps thinking on how we should light the set or shoot a certain scene...  and at that very moment... this one thing you learned years ago, will come to mind and give you that specific edge you need to make the scene work.    

My greatest film making ideas have come to me while in the middle of filming one of my Christian movies.   In that very moment, when I had no idea what to do or how to do something (sometimes because of the pressure of being live on the set), the... when I least expect it, that one filmmaking trick I learned years ago... pops into my head.    As if somebody was watching me from above (and some is watching over us... of course:)   At that very moment, is as if God knows exactly when to bring that one Idea that we learned years ago... again, at the very moment when we (behaps had totally forgotten about it), but suddenly God brings it to our mind as a simple thought, but it becomes clear as day.   And the thought, usually starts as a barely perceptible thought that if we are not paying attention and we are not seeking for it... we may miss it.  This is why Prayer, and seeking God before, during and after each filming is SUPER important.  

For me, being in touch with The Kingdom of God throughout the making of my God Films is the KEY to my success!, and to me, success is NOT making a Million Dollars with a movie, to me success is as simple as Starting and Finishing God's Kingdom Message in a movie format.   A movie that is ready to be shown online or on theaters anywhere and everywhere possible (whether it makes money or not) that's God's domain.   As a Christian Filmmaker my job is to help Plant the Seed in Good Soil, and then Water It, but it's GOD who makes it grow!    In other words, my job as a Christian filmmaker is to make the movie happen with God's help.   And I always make sure that God is with me in every movie I make.  In fact, I have often told God, the following;

 "Lord, if you are NOT with me on this film, I'm out!"  "I rather never make another film... unless, you show me You are ALL IN with me."  "And Lord, if this is NOT the film I should make, please, show me now!"

I don't know about you, but that's how I talk to God, He's my best friend and He knows it :) 

The truth is that I never stop learning, it doesn't matter that I have over 30 years of movie making experience, that means nothing today.  Filmmaking has changed a lot, as you will soon see on the documentary below!  But I love learning and I keep learning everything I can about movie making, cinematography and movie magic all the time, because you just never know when you get to use that one thing (trick) you read about on a film book, you saw in a movie or in a youtube video and then use such new or old technique in one of The Lord's movie.    Also, keep in mind, that what the world calls old or out of style, for God there is no such thing... because for God All Things are New and also everything is Eternal.

Again, the secret of becoming a Top Professional filmmaker is to be alway learning as much as possible about the art, the history; including learning about every new equipment that just came out in the market, just last week or the week before.  Staying on top of the latest Digital video production gear in the industry always keeps us ahead of the curve, and these knowledge will always help us become a better Movie Maker for The Kingdom of God.

I have personally selected this Silent Film Cinematography documentary for you to watch, as a Film Class to help you understand the true power of Motion Picture Film, as well as Today's Digital Cinematography! 

Enjoy the following Documentary film: 

The History of Silent Film Cinematography

We will be showing more Key Educational Documentary Films such as this one for the sake of Learning everything there is to know about Motion Pictures and It's History.

Saturday, December 28, 2019



So where should we start?
One of the Best ways to find great movie ideas is by finding stories from our own personal life experiences.   Just as top Comedians often times get their break into comedy by using their own personal life experiences or by finding funny stories that has happened to family members, friends and co-workers.  In the same manner, Christian filmmakers may find great Creative dramatic stories within their own life experiences or the experiences of others.  There are great golden nuggets in anyones life story and experiences and we should study them first, specially if we don't have a movie idea in mind.

Getting ideas from the Bible itself is another great alternative.  The Great director of the 1920's - 1950's  Cecil B. DeMille once said "The Bible is full of Movie Ideas".   Hundreds of movies have been made from just one of Jesus's Parables.   Taking a Bible story like the story of David and Golliath and turning it into a modern times movie is a great idea and has been done many times by filmmakers everywhere.    But just because hundreds of films have been made about a Bible Story, Verse or Jesus Parable, it doesn't mean that it can't be done.   Just think for a moment or do a search on Movies made about Jesus Christ.   There has been hundreds of movies made about Jesus starting since the silent film era.   And when the Passion of The Christ came out, we all thought, that's it.  There will never be another great movie about Jesus, yet, since then... it's been totally the opposite, there has been hundreds of movies about Jesus made since The Passion of The Christ.  Only because there are a million ways to make a movie, each filmmaker and producer may use different techniques, different locations, different actors and so on... making every film about Jesus very different and at times... very interesting to watch.    

Another great source for Great ideas is Our Lord, yes God.  God is the source of ALL Creation, God is a Mighty and Creative God.  In fact, everything we see, hear, feel, touch, taste and sense... has been created by God.   But even more interesting, God has even Created every Good Thought or Idea that comes to our minds.  Think about it, the only reason a Thought or an Idea comes to mind, is because that Idea or Thought most be real and tangible somewhere, right? In other words, why would an idea or thought come to mind in the first place if it doesn't exist?       We know this because God has a Kingdom and everything we see on earth came from God and His Kingdom.  So it makes sense that every Good thought comes from God and so... every good thing that has been created before the Foundation of The World.   But at the same time, every evil thought comes from the god of darkness.   But Jesus Christ overcame evil with Good... in fact He overcame it with Love.   

If none of the above works for you, then simply make it a habit to search the web for good stories.  It used to be that we would search and read Newspapers and Magazines, but today... it's best to search the Web for good movie story ideas.
There are millions of people being Interviewed for the Web by giving their testimonies using their smartphone, webcams or video cameras.  If you search the Web hard enough or youtube you will find amazing testimonies.   Plus millions of Website owners often times post their personal testimony on their website as well.   Become a great researcher of Great Movie Stories and as you do... you will find them.